More awards

Several people have honored me with awards in the last few months and I’ve done a very poor job of keeping track of who gave what.  As I noted a long time ago, I don’t do the whole award thing with the endless lists, etc. but I do always feel grateful and I want to shine a light on those who have honored me and urge you to take a look at their websites.  A big thanks to Ivan Prefontaine at Teacher as Transformer (sorry don’t remember award and can’t find it), Eunice at Living and Lovin for Blog of the Year, and Your Inner Feathers by Ruby for a Shine On award which was so pretty I thought I’d put it in:


Thanks so much all of you.  If I’ve forgotten anyone, please put it in a comment with a link and you’ll be added.




More awards — and official no more awards notice

I’ve been nominated for three more awards, one a repeat and two new ones. I want to say a big thanks to those who nominated me: Make Believe Boutique (Sunshine Award), Peace With My Life (One Lovely Blog Award), and Blue Butterflies and Me (Day Dreamer Award). I feel so honored every time someone names me for one of these awards. I’ll put in the requirements below.

At the same time I’m extremely grateful for every award I also feel a need to say “enough”, please don’t nominate me for any more. The acceptance posts are very time consuming and I’ve reached a point where I’m not adding new blogs to my list at a pace that allows the networking to keep expanding, which I feel is the main point of these awards. From here on out if someone nominates this blog I will say thank you and put a link to them in a post but I will not fulfill any of the requirements of the reward. Thanks so much to all those who have nominated me in the past. Links to the award posts I’ve made are below and I encourage you to check out the blogs I’ve listed.

I’ve received the Sunshine Award in the past so I am going to just offer my thanks to Make Believe Boutique and refer you to the post in which I previously accepted the award.

The One Lovely Blog Award requirements: as always, thank and link to the one who nominated you; name seven things about yourself and nominate seven more bloggers. Thanks again to Peace With My Life.

Seven things about myself:

  1. I took piano lessons for 12 years and voice lessons for 5 and wanted to go to music school.
  2. My aunt, the late Mary Jane Gallaher, was the first woman turf reporter in the world and I used to tool around with her while she took pictures for her stories.
  3. My grandfather, Allen Gallaher, bred and raced horses and his horse Chilhowee once beat Black Gold.
  4. Although I didn’t want to go, I adored every minute of a trip to Bali some years ago.
  5. As an attorney (long ago) I did nuclear power plant cases; trying to stop them…
  6. I was on a vacation to the island of Ischia in the Bay of Naples on September 11, 2001 and I heard the news while traveling on a hydrofoil across the Bay.
  7. I’m a major chocoholic even though I’m not supposed to eat it. Dark chocolate. Dark chocolate from Belgium, France or Italy. Brownies, cakes, cookies, candy, ice cream favorites: chocolate, chocolate, chocolate.

As far as the blogs I nominate, I don’t have seven new ones, so I’m offering a couple I’ve found recently that I really like and I refer you to the previous posts in which I gave awards to see some great blogs on spiritual topics (and occasionally expats in France and Italy and cooking):

  1. Everyday Miracles
  2. Marinating Online
  3. Schwingeninswitzerland

For the Daydreamer Award, again I thank Blue Butterflies and Me. The rules:

1) Upon receipt of this award, you are to take a mental vacation for five minutes. Gaze off into space, look out of the window, have yourself a wonderful day dream.

2) When you have returned from your day dream, you are required to take another one tomorrow.

3) Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

  1. Award this to three (3) people. You can only pass on this award to three (3) people only.

My nominees:

1. Genie Speaks

2. Catseyesk

3. Tracie Louise Photography 

Previous posts on awards:

Versatile Blogger and Sunshine Award

More Awards–Wow 

Awards Again 

Commentator Award

Commentator Award

Sky Blaine, of The Heart of the Matter, nominated me a while back for the Commentator award and I’ve been very slow to respond with this post.  The award is for commenting (usually a lot) and being noticed by the blogger. First of all, a thank you to Skye and my great recommendation is that you check out her blog—she writes from the Non-dual perspective and in a personal way and it’s always good.

This award didn’t seem to have a specific number of blogs that you’re supposed to pass it on to nor a set of rules so I have chosen the blogs below because according to my stats they have commented the most. I’m going to give myself the usual rule of letting the bloggers know they’ve been nominated and suggest you do the same and as you can see above also applied the usual rule of thanking the one who nominated me [Deborah K. if you had a blog you’d be on this list too!] I can’t tell all of you how much I have appreciated your thoughtful responses and how nice it has been to get to know you better through them. THANK YOU!

  1. Karen Wan, Writing Your Destiny
  2. Carol Staton, Free For All
  3. G.A. Rosenberg, Waking Spirals
  4. N.R. Hatch, Spirit Lights the Way
  5. Let’s Cut the Crap
  6. Dimitie Kendall
  7. Hand in Hand with Spirit

For everyone else, these are some really good blogs so if you haven’t seen them, go take a look!


Every time I receive another award nomination I feel thrilled, so I’m excited to announce that I’ve been awarded some more.

First, I’ve gotten another nomination for the Versatile Blogger Award. For this I have to say a big thanks to MetaphyzGirl at Angela’s Space. Please be sure to check her blog out. I’ve been nominated for the Versatile Blogger before and I’m starting to have trouble coming up with nominations so I’m going the lazy route and linking you to the first post in which I accepted the Versatile Blogger award. Please check out the blogs I listed there as they’re still among my faves.

Next, I’ve been nominated for my second Sunshine Award which I accept with great thanks and appreciation to Genie at Geniespeaks. Her blog is inspiring so be sure to take a look. My last Sunshine Award was accepted on the same post as the Versatile Blogger and I refer you again to that post for all the nominees I made for this award and ditto on being faves of mine.

Finally, big thanks to FoodStories who has nominated me for a new award called The Illuminating Blogger. The rules for this one are:

Food Stories is pleased to present the Illuminating Blogger Award, a fabulous award that anyone can bestow on their fellow bloggers for illuminating, informative blog content.

Here’s how it works:

1. The nominee should visit the award site ( and leave a comment indicating that they have been nominated and by whom. (This step is so important because it’s the only way that we can create a blogroll of award winners).
2. The Nominee should thank the person that nominated them by posting & including a link to their blog.
3. Share one random thing about yourself in your blog post.
4. Select at least five other bloggers that you enjoy reading their illuminating, informative posts and nominate them for the award.
5. Notify your  nominees by leaving a comment on their blog, including a link to the award site (

Something random about me: I’m a huge fan of coffee and picky about the kind and the prep. I’m so in love with the coffee from La Coppa in Mill Valley, CA that I brought back five pounds of coffee in my suitcase plus two more pounds for friends I’ve enticed into the love… You can mail order but I saved a bundle and what’s a sore arm???

My nominees (I’m trying as always to present new ones but I’m losing track):

Since it’s AlphabeThursday and the letter today is “A”, this is my contribution for that too.

More awards — wow!

I’m blown away that these awards keep coming. I’ve just been awarded the Beautiful Blogger award by Yamyah at Into the Heart (you should check her out)  Thanks so much Yamyah.

Here is the skinny on what you need to do if you accept the Beautiful Blogger award:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog.
  • Share the love by passing the award along to six other bloggers you adore.
  • Keep writing, inspiring, loving and living in joy and beauty!

This is the first one I’ve seen where the rules for it vary all over the place if you research it but I’m sticking with the rules with which I was presented!

I’ve also been presented the Kreativ Blogger award by Whispers of the Heart.  Thank you — I’m really honored. This one requires that you thank the one who gave it to you and link back to that blog, share 7 things about yourself and pass the award on to 5-10 other bloggers.  I’ve already listed quite a few bloggers on other awards and I don’t have enough other bloggers to give sixteen more so I’m going to stay with five for this one and the lists are below.

As far as seven things about me, when I started making a list and went back to look at the Versatile blogger post I realized I was making the same list:

  • I took music lessons for many years
  • I don’t read anything serious any more – three degrees wore me out on serious
  • I’m a major francophile – since I was 10; think it must have been a past life…
  • Though it’s hard to make room for more than France, I fell in love with Italy some years ago
  • I’m a really mean, cranky driver; I might be the only person who knows how to drive :>)
  • Writing fiction was like breathing for me as a child.

My nominations for the Beautiful Blogger award (nominated=winner):

My nominations for the Kreativ Blogger Award: