Uh oh, no post


Okay, I’m barely making it within November 20 in my time zone.  And I actually have nothing much to say.  Been focused many, many hours a day the last few days on updating my guide book for Wizard101 and finally creating a “hard” copy on Create Space in time for Christmas.

And the muscles in my face have been going to town again.  Another week when I’m experiencing a whole new — amazing — level of feeling, “Wow, a face can feel this good?”  There are still a few mighty tight core pieces so I’m finding it tough to stay in the moment as I excitedly anticipate how FABULOUS it’s gonna feel to have no tight muscles in my face or head…

So that’s been it, grinding on book and unwinding muscles…  And the Nano logo is up top because this post really only exists so I can say I didn’t miss today 🙂

2 thoughts on “Uh oh, no post

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