Christmas story review and it’s time to pray for peace

Last year I started a project, buying some fellow bloggers’ books (only ones that cost $5 or less so far), intending to write pieces about them and give a plug.  Well, between procrastination and lots of electronic issues, it never happened.  I’m now able to read electronically again so I thought I’d start working my way through the ones I have so far.

In the spirit of the season and to give a plug while it’s timely, I’m starting with The March of the Toymakers by Julianne Victoria of Through the Peacock’s Eyes.  I’ve struggled a bit on how to review a short story without giving it all away, so I’m now impressed with reviewers who regularly do that.

The March of the Toymakers chronicles the story of Nissa the elf, who is charged with saving Christmas by collecting a small army of elves whose talents and abilities are needed at the North Pole in order for Santa to make all the toys for Christmas.

He must find the Path of Honesty in order to reach the Fair Feather Maid, where the Toymakers gathered.  Along the way he encounters magical creatures from fairies and pixies to villainous Trolls.  Through trust and faith he is guided to answers for every problem.

It’s a delightful story for Christmas — enjoy the magic.

And don’t forget it’s time to find 10 minutes for peace.

Collective Prayer Sundays:  In case you’re new, we’re finding 10 minutes at a minimum to pray or chant or meditate (or???) for peace every Sunday.  Details are on the CPS page.  For comments:  you can comment here or on that page or you can go to the Facebook page.

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