A blog for the other me?

This quick post is actually an announcement rather than my usual. The loud, wild girl (see previous post) who has been slowly emerging into the world has been on my mind increasingly. And I’m realizing that a tendency to be snarky and sarcastic is a trait of mine that belongs to her (us? multiple me?).

Sine those aren’t characteristics that seem to suit a spiritual life I’ve tried to affirm and chant and meditate and release them. But I’ve decided that as they’re part of the loud, wild girl I claim to want to set free I’m going to let her write a blog. Hence I’m starting a second blog called “Not Just Sassy on the Inside” that will NOT involve a spiritual journey—at least not in the writing; I think it may be a big step in my journey. If you want to check it out the new address: notjustsassyontheinside.wordpress.com  Bluegrass Notes will continue as before.

8 thoughts on “A blog for the other me?

  1. The snarky and sarcastic part of you does need to be honored by being heard. I know lots of enlightened people who also have a shadow side. We all keep working on our issues. That’s how we are able to help others, by continuing our own personal work. Its all part of the spiritual path.

  2. Leigh, bluegrassnotes has always been a delightful insightful blog and now the sassy side…incredible. Don’t ever stop being you!

    • More than the dominant culture, I feel that in this case it’s the spiritual journey culture–and mostly my own interpretation of it–that leads me to feel the sarcastic side is somehow “wrong”. So this is definitely an experiment to see how it feels to allow that aspect to have a voice, whether I can find a way to reconcile the two into a whole that feels comfortable, etc.

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